
Thursday 30 August 2018

Is There a Relationship Between Acid Reflux and Palpitations?

Two disturbances that make people uncomfortable, one that does not stop: reflux and palpitations. Experts think that these two troublesome issues are actually interconnected. This is also proven in investigations. What is the relationship between reflux and palpitations? Let's all come together and study.

Quick and Easy Ways to Sleep - How to Sleep Comfortably?

Do you want to sleep easily? A great majority of people, even all of them, respond to this sulya yes. Sleep is one of the basic needs of human beings. So it is healthy, easy and comfortable to sleep; the next day we should get rich. Is it possible to sleep easily for those sleeping? What should be done? In this issue we present 9 recommendations to you. Taking this recommendation into consideration will greatly contribute to your healthy life and your smooth sleep.

What is Frontal Sinusitis? Causes of Frontal Sinusitis and Treatment Methods

Sinuses in the forehead zone and accompanying sinusitis are at the risk of everyone, regardless of age or gender. We have done research on the causes and treatment methods for frontal sinusitis that cause you to wake up with headache and neck pain and manifest many large and small disturbances, and we share your results with you. What is frontal sinusitis in this article? We will learn how it occurs and what treatment methods are used to remove the disease.

Except Period Cramps Being Causes and Solutions

The cramps you spend in your daily life are not simple and hassle-free. Cramp can be a mess of troubles, especially when it occurs outside of the period. In this title, we will describe the cramps in the stomach and other areas except the period, why they occur and how to get rid of them. Sometimes we can use theoretical words when doing these expressions. I hope you do not bother me. If there is a place you do not understand, you can ask without hesitation.

Alzheimer's Destruction Ways - Decoy Receptors

We can say that the struggle with Alzheimer is a big step nowadays. We learn Alzheimer's treatment methods in the light of the theories and the evidence. One of them was shared in the past days. With the Decoy Receptors method you can minimize or even eliminate Alzheimer's effect. Now, what is Decoy Receptors and how it works, let's examine it together.

Cell Metabolism for Combating Cancer Tumor

New treatment methods, new discoveries and researches are emerging in this period, when four cardiac specialists work to fight cancer. One of these is the use of cell metabolism to remove the cancerous tumor from the center. Of course, we need to know what cell metabolism means first of all to understand this. We present all the details to you, and if you have any problems, you can contact us in the comments section.

Effects of Smoking and Alcohol on Young People (Up to 17 Years Old)

There is no need to discuss the harm of smoking and alcohol. Over the years, research has shown that these products are not harmless at all. What is the effect on young people? In this article, we will see what effects smoking and alcohol consumption will have on individuals, particularly until the age of 17. We will also talk about future problems.

Are Energy Drinks Harmful for Children?

There is much debate about whether energy drinks are harmful or not. A different claim has now been made for a product that is not recommended for pregnant women or those with serious illnesses, or even for daily use. As a result of research conducted by experts, it is detrimental to the consumption of energy drinks by individuals in childhood. Let's look at the details on this subject.

What are the Bacteria in the Female Bladders?

One of the important researches on women's health is the bacteria found in the women's ward and the findings on them. A study published by Loyola University Health System towards the end of July revealed many problematic or problematic findings. We want to convey the results that come out to you. Good reading.

Reduce Bone Loss - Mediterranean Diet

In the last few days we have started offering a lot of content about bone loss. The main reason for this is that experts in the field are starting to do a lot of research on this topic. In this article we will examine the Mediterranean diet from the factors that prevent bone loss. Are you ready to prevent bone loss with the Mediterranean diet recommended for healthy life and long life? Let's examine the research put forward by the University of East Anglia.

Blood and urine analysis is important in the diagnosis of Myeloma

Severe diseases of the spinal cord tumor are a disease entering the class and the treatment process is severely painful. In addition, treatment may become simpler with initial diagnosis. For this reason, the investigations regularly recommend blood and urine analysis. Because with recent findings blood and urine analysis and spinal cord tumor diagnosis can be put. It is useful to go through the details about this topic.

Ways to Reduce Breast Cancer Risk - Fruit and Vegetable Food

The benefits of organic fruit and vegetable consumption are well known among the population. But does this consumption have anything to do with cancer? Harvard T.H. Research conducted by the Chan School of Public Health showed that excessive consumption of fruits and vegetables significantly reduces the risk of breast cancer. Along with regular sports exercises to do, it is possible to reduce your breast cancer risk to 0%. Let's take a look at the role of fruit and vegetable consumption in reducing the risk of breast cancer.

Cost Calculation in Breast Cancer Treatment

After being diagnosed with cancer, you will not only be depressed in terms of health but also psychologically. For example, a considerable amount of treatment costs and other costs in breast cancer occur. We have included the data from doctors and the average cost of breast cancer treatment. It is possible to buy a suitable price according to your own by reading detailed. Of course this will only give you an idea. There are varying amounts from doctor to doctor, from hospital to hospital.

The Role of Mysterious Yin Yang Protein in Breast Cancer

Along with the discovery of Yin Yang protein, many researches came along. This protein focuses on the benefits and harms of the variety, especially on people. A research on the role of Yin Yang protein in breast cancer. We also want to share the details of the research with you. You can examine the research results in detail below.

When Does Fertility Decrease? What to Do During These Times?

Fertility is very important for both men and women. Neslin should pay attention to all the issues related to fertility in order to continue and be a good child, you should not risk your business. Humans, women and men do not know when fertility declines. Accordingly, they also suffer more harm when they act. In the article, we tried to give information about the time frame of fertility decline.

Lung Cancer Death Rates Will Increase 40% by 2030

Although there have been very serious studies on lung cancer, it is seen that in recent years there has been a significant increase in the number of cancer carriers. As a result of the analyzes it is said that by 2030 the rate of getting lung cancer will increase by 40%. This is a pretty bad value too. Experts say that in order not to get caught up in this disease, it is necessary to be constantly under the control of a doctor and to be removed before it occurs.

Alzheimer's drug can stop the disease if symptoms get undeveloped

Today, Alzheimer's symptoms develop in 50% of people over 85 years of age. In a study conducted by experts on Alzheimer's drug taken without developing the symptom of the disease, the disease can be completely removed. However, it seems that they have stopped working completely when they have completely removed it. Yet a few more years are needed to complete the work in full, but let's look at what has been revealed.

Mouse Neural Communication System to Detect Female Fertility

Research on the fertility of women has increased dramatically in recent years. Both studies have begun to use the neural network of mice in research to control this work and to remove negative aspects altogether. Because of its very similar structure, can the mouse neural network be used in detecting female fertility, let's look at the research results ...

Preventing The Problem of Bone Fracture of Diabetes Patients

Risk of fracture is one of the issues that people with diabetes are suffering from. Experts are focused on this issue because there are not many treatment methods in this regard. As a result of the researches and experiments conducted, methods have been developed to reduce and detect the bone problem of diabetic patients. It focuses on what exactly it is for now, but it seems to be effective in the general sense. Look at the details.

Living Close to Green Areas Reduces The Risk of Getting Breast Cancer

Living in the city can not benefit from the beauty of nature as well as many other possibilities in terms of health are backfired. A study of breast cancer shows this clearly. People living near green areas are less likely to develop breast cancer and are more likely to live healthier. We will pass on the details of the matter, but it is worth mentioning, if you have the opportunity, be careful to be involved with nature. This will contribute not only to breast cancer but also to all health problems.

Is There a Safe Level for alcohol?

Too much effort is made to show that alcohol is a harmless drink. But there is no single evidence that alcohol is harmless if it is done. Recent studies also showed that there is no safe level for alcohol consumption. Considering both the alcohol content of drinks and the amounts consumed in one day, there is no safety in any case. Let's go through the details of this research.

What Are the Genes Involving Aggressive Breast Cancer?

The research, which was conducted by the Journal of the National Cancer Institute on breast cancer details, found genes that are effective in the development of breast cancer. We are aware of three genes that trigger breast cancer. What is the contribution of this research to those who are at risk of cancer and will bring a new treatment method for those caught in cancer? Let us leave you alone with the results of the research.

Soya Diet Increases Women's Bone Strength! Soy Diet Benefits

Bone development is very important for both men and women. The weakness of our bones, especially at the age of old can cause great troubles. In this respect, women need to make their bones stronger. Within the framework of the research, the soy diet seems to increase bone strength and make it stronger. Of course there are details to be noted here. Let's look at these details together.

HPV Vaccine Is Recommended Up to 20 Years Old, Next Years?

We have shared a detailed content about whether the HPV vaccine reduces fertility. But the investigations do not stop there. We have learned that HPV vaccine can be used smoothly until 20 years of age as a result of an assertion and accompanying analysis. Of course there are some details and we will go into the details of age for the HPV vaccine at the end of the article. We wish good readings.

Is Bipolarity and Schizophrenia an Evolutionary Phenomenon?

A study sponsored by the National Institutes of Health shows that bipolar disorder and schizophrenia can be based on an evolutionary past. As evolutionary evolution of human beings' brains reveals the origin of these disorders and is transmitted through genes, many issues are focused on. We think you will enjoy reading because it is interesting research. Without mentioning, bipolar and schizophrenia are based on an evolutionary past.

Prevent Depression After The Heart Crisis

Depression occurs at the beginning of the psychological situations that arise after having a heart attack. Depression, which can be encountered in all people, can lead to serious consequences, especially after a heart attack. That's why you need your obstacles. Experts say that depression after the heart attack can be overcome with the help of hormone estrogen. Of course, what is important here is how to get estrogen and how to increase your production. Details, with you in the continuation of the article.

Providing Weight Loss And Extension After Early Birth

Preterm birth usually brings some problems with babies, except for a few days. The most obvious of these is weight gain and neck extension. Performing some actions after the birth of newborn babies due to premature birth may give positive results for health. We present to you the researches that experts have done in this regard. You can access the details from the resource link under the article.

HPV Vaccination During Puberty Does not Affect Fertility

Human Papilloma HPV vaccine, a virus-like vaccine, is known to protect against viruses that are known to be infected with HPV. HPV, which can be seen in some of the women, can also cause many complaints such as cancer. Therefore, the vaccination must be done absolutely. But some authorities say the vaccine reduces the chance of fertility. As a result of the investigations, it was determined that this was a superstition and had no effect. Now let's go in details.

Marijuana was Detected in Breast Milk 6 Days After Use!

The fact that the use of Marijuana in many countries has become free has brought many debates. Although it appears to be a useful product for many fronts, medical experts have noted serious problems. As a result of the investigations, a mother who used Marijuana was found marijuana in mother's milk. And exactly six days from now. This is further elaborated in order to create serious problems for baby development. Now let's go in details.

Chemotherapy Used in Women with Lung Cancer Causes Early Menopause

An interesting claim was made about the chemotherapy that women who were diagnosed with lung cancer had applied during the treatment process. After the researches and findings of the scientific world, it is seen that women who have chemotherapy for lung cancer can have early menopause. While research continues for the moment, chemotherapy is being shown as a cause of early menopause with tests performed on many patients.

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Wonderful Energy Source: Garden of Life's Organic Vegan Protein Powder

It is everyone's dream to wake up energetically in the morning, at least to spend the day energetically. Both more productive work and more time to spend ... I would say there is a product that will help you with this. Garden of Life's Organic Vegan Protein Powder is an organic nutrient recommended by experts. Especially those who want to wake up energetic in the morning definitely recommend using. What does it do, how is it used? Let's solve this with an interview.

Treatment routes used in migraine treatment

Migraine is one of the greatest ways of torture for the living. Headaches, neck soreness and a lot of other things that trigger the migraine, can cool you down. For this, experts are doing extensive research and discovering methods that can be used in migraine treatment. In this article, we are trying to convey to you four important ways that work in migraine treatment. We would like to state that the data obtained as a result of scientific studies.

What is the vaginal pH? How is vaginal pH measured and why is it important?

Vaginal pH is related to the acid - base balance of women 's vaginal area. There is also vaginal pH in the same way that water has the pH value of the colony. How can we keep this in balance? What are the equilibrium values? What to do? Here you can find the answers to all these questions in the following video. Let's go right to the contents.

How to Run Your Metabolism Quickly When You Wake in the Morning

Do you know that you need to speed up your metabolism when you wake up in the morning to lose weight, to live healthy? Morning time is shown for the time when the fastest run of metabolism is most effective. Especially if you have consumed food 3-4 hours before the last sleep, you can start to work your metabolism fast in the morning and you can keep your fats and your fats burning very fast. What should be done in this regard? We talked about it to you in four. Good reading.

Wonderful Methods of Regulating Influenza Disease? How does the flu go?

Influenza is a pain in the head especially in the winter months. We take care of ourselves on cold days just to avoid the flu, even before the winter months. But we still can not stop without getting caught. Especially people with a weak body are caught 5 to 10 times a year to catch colds and flu. As a result of the research done in this subject, we can say that there are 5 important treatment methods. As a result of our investigations, it is seen that the effects are high and yield close to 100%. Let's look at these roads now.

Monday 27 August 2018

Very Important 5 Symptoms of Breast Cancer - Except Lumps

Cancer treatment is very advanced compared to the first years of the 21st century. We can now take precautions about diseases and we can easily treat them by intervening in the beginning stages. One of the serious diseases of the day is breast cancer. Serious research is still being done in this regard. We concentrated on the indication of breast cancer, and we gave you 5 items. If you read them carefully and if you test, you can determine if you have 90% breast cancer.

What is Adenomyosis and What Are the Related Issues?

Adenomyosis is the thickening of the uterus, which normally takes place when the endometrial tissue that covers the uterus travels to the outer muscle walls of the uterus. The reason is unknown. Sometimes adenomyosis can cause urinary mass in the uterus, called an adenomyoma. This disease usually occurs in 30-year-old women who have children. It is more likely to be women who had previous cesarean section or other uterine surgery.

Causes and Treatment of Pimple in The Eyelid

Will you look at yourself every day? At the beginning of the things that people who do this often realize is the acne that occurs in the eyelids. We can actually call them bubbles. We can say that this trouble that happens in everybody is not really a big problem. It usually gives a sense of discomfort because the eyes are sunk. Then, if you owe it to your eyes, you may get tears because of the possibility of germs. In this post, we will share details of what we are trying to convey to you.

What are Kidney Stones? How Kidney Stone Occurs and Treatment Methods

Every day we know that hundreds of thousands of people are suffering from kidney stones. Complaints about this issue in our country are quite excessive. Sometimes formation is linked to genetic conditions, sometimes with physical movements. What is the kidney stone? How is the kidney stone formed and what are the damages to our bodies? What should be done for the treatment of kidney stone disease? We will answer each of these questions one by one. If you have a question you want to ask, we can get it in the comment field.

Why Women's Nipples Are Sore? What is The Solution?

One of the biggest complaints about women's nipples is the hunger when it is no doubt at all. Although there is a place where we feel less painful than many parts of the body, we feel a bit of pain from time to time. There are many reasons for this from a medical point of view. Some may need to be corrected in everyday life, and others may require serious medical treatment. Let us share your research with you in detail.

Sunday 26 August 2018

What is Gallstone? How Gallstones Occur?

Undoubtedly bile gallstones are at the beginning of diseases that cause great discomfort when not treated. It can be shown as a serious condition because each person has a disease that can happen to him and the treatment is only surgical. In our writing, we will answer questions such as what is the gallstone stone, how it is formed and the treatment methods. Although many of them are based on academic articles, do not act without your doctor's approval.

Main Causes and Solutions for the Swollen Face

If you notice that the face of your face, or a particular area, is swollen, then an uneasiness may have disappeared immediately. It is quite natural that you are both nervous and your face is swollen. One of the most sensitive regions of our body, our ancestor is reacting to the slightest. One of them is also swollen. We will try to convey to you the reasons and the solutions for the swelling of our face in this writing. These solutions are sometimes a few minutes of treatment, sometimes a natural product, and sometimes a doctor-controlled treatment.

What is CBD Oil? CBD Oil Benefits and Losses

There has been a lot of news about CBD Oil in recent times. This is the main reason why this product is useful or is the answer given to the question of harmful. Even for those who are even more harmful, they are even more vulnerable. We also want to inform you about the CBD Oil as health blog and to convey the benefits and losses of this oil which is generally used as food supplement. CBD Is the oil beneficial or harmful? You will have a clear idea about this when you read the following in detail.

Why is Period so long? Period long riding reasons

Regl is a very challenging period for those who can easily be stepped over for whom some women have come up in certain time periods. Especially in some cases you can enter a never-ending turn. Below you will see the basic 3 reasons for the extension of the information in the information light we transmit to you. Apart from these, there are different reasons. But we will pass these on to you in a more detailed way. Now let's go to the position without extending the word.

What is Peeing Blood? Cause Peeing Blood

Blood out of our bodies is actually not normal except for places like skin. Without an injury, if you have a hemorrhage while there is nothing physically in the middle, it can have very serious consequences and consequences. Peeing Blood is one of them. We shared a great article for Peeing Blood, especially in the middle of the ages, who is a great news messenger. You can easily find answers to questions like what is Peeing Blood, why does Peeing Blood happen.

Saturday 25 August 2018

Is it possible to use abortion at home?

Though there have been many troubles about abortion all over the world, today thousands of people apply for abortion treatment every day. In countries such as the UK where it was legally established, freedom started to increase a bit. The biggest example is that now the abortion pill can be used at home. We can only do this in our home without any problems. What is the detail of this story?

Explanations Explained: No Alcohol Is Safe!

Especially people who use alcohol too much claimed that they also had harmless alcohol. However, it has been proven that no alcohol is harmless in the framework of research conducted at universities, and that certain levels and distress may be encountered at certain rates. No matter how alcohol is used, unsafe food is used for all kinds of drinks. Although regular and underemployed people do not seem to have a lot of damage, the following news should be read carefully.

Use of Honey in Cough Treatment. Is Honey Useful for Coughing?

Honey, which is the leading source of nutrients worldwide (due to its water content), is a major source of treatment for many diseases. It is possible to avoid the diseases we encountered in everyday life, especially depending on the consumption of the natural resources. What is the role of honey in the treatment of cough? Is it beneficial for patients with cough disease to consume honey in certain time periods? Beyond this, does frequent consumption of honey prevent coughing?

Diabetes Causes Heart Disease and Falsehood! - Loss of Diabetes

Diabetes initially starts as a simple disease, but becomes a problem that diminishes your life in the progressive stages. To overcome this, it is necessary to reduce the effect and get rid of the mental diabetes. But this is a very, very difficult one.

Supporting Gut Disease Treatment After Antibiotic Use

Gut disease treatment is one of the most troublesome disease types. Especially if you have investigated the troubles experienced during antibiotic treatment. In this regard, we will show you on our site how you can supplement the use of antibiotics, which is one of the steps in the treatment of gout disease. Thus, we will have faster and more positive results in treating gout. It is also worth mentioning. Do not try to tell our doctor what you are talking about in this article. Although simple actions may occur, they can cause problems due to a method applied during treatment.

How to Correct Leptin Resistance to Control Your Weight What is Leptin Resistance?

Leptin It is useful to give information about Leptin before you start writing about resistance. Leptin, also known as the toughness hormone in the public language, secreted from fat tissue and lifting the feeling of hunger from the middle; is one of the most basic items to help you gain weight.

How long does broccoli take to grow?

Those who want to cultivate broccoli are most likely to be able to develop the product in a very short time. Although there are different...